
Our Centre organizes and has actively participated in scientific research with Universities and Institutes at home and abroad. Some of the most important are:

  • Long term research into the reproductive physiology and corresponding hormonal profiles of ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus) organized and carried out by the IZW (Institut fur Zoo und Wildtierforschung) of Berlin, Germany (2001-2002).
  • Research project in 2005 into Leishmaniosis and other parasites in the ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus), carried out by the University of Pisa, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Pathology, Prophylaxis and Nutritional Hygiene.
  • Research project in 2006-2007 into the use of the contraceptive Deslorelin for birth control in our male ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus), carried out by the University of Padua, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, and by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production, and by the Einaudi Veterinary Centre of Bari.
  • Research project regarding the ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus), entitled “Testosterone level assessment after Gnrh stimulation test in adult Asiatic Black Bears”, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and by the Einaudi Veterinary Centre of Bari. This study was presented at the SIRA Meeting in Alghero (SS) in May 2007.
  • Research project in 2006-2007 into the evaluation of electrocardiographic parameters in the ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus) under sedation, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Health and Welfare, by the University of Padua, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, and by the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, as well as the Einaudi Veterinary Centre of Bari. This project was presented as a case report in May 2007 at the IZW (Institute for Zoo and Wildlife research) meeting in Edinburgh, UK.
  • Research project in 2005-2006 into electrophoretic data of ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus) carried out by the University of Padua, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science and the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. This project was presented as a case report in May 2007 at the IZW (Institute for Zoo and Wildlife research) meeting in Edinburgh, UK.
  • Research project into the immobilization using anaesthetics of the ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus) carried out by the Einaudi Veterinary Centre of Bari in 2008 and published in the same year by the American magazine “PubMed” of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health and by the U.S. magazine “Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine” under the title “Reversible immobilization of Asiatic Black Bear with detomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam-atipamezole”.
  • Research project entitled “Haematological and serum biochemical values of captive Asiatic Black Bear”, into the haematological values of the ASIAN BLACK BEAR (Ursus thibetanus) carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and by the Einaudi Veterinary Centre of Bari. The project was presented as a case report at the “International Conference on Disease of Zoo and Wild Animals” in May 2009 in Bekse-Bergen, in Holland.
  • Pilot Study in 2014-2015 entitled “Mediterranean POLAR BEARS (Ursus maritimus): an isolated case of adaptation or acclimation?”, based on the observation of the polar bears of the Zoosafari Fasano, carried out by the University of Manchester / U.K. (Faculty of Life Science) and the University of Milan (Faculty of Veterinary Science and Public Health).
  • International Survey in 2001 regarding the POLAR BEAR (Ursus maritimus), published by the Paris Zoo / France.
  • Study in 2017 entitled “Surgical Attempt in a case of BROWN BEAR (Ursus arctos) with thoracic disc protrusion”, carried out by the Zoological Garden of Naples and the University of Roma Sud (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine / CVRS Department), presented as a case report at the “Zoo and Wildlife Conference” of Berlin / Germany.
  • Abb Tusk Survey into techniques regarding ENCLOSURES FOR BEARS, organized by the Zoo of Bad Fischau – Austria, in 2000.
  • BEAR TAG EDUCATION Survey, organized in 2015 by Eaza Bear Tag and by the Zoological Garden of Ljubljana / Slovenia.
  • Participation in a survey (2005) regarding the situation of LARGE FELINES in captivity, organized by the University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Zootechnics.
  • Participation in a survey on the stereotypes of LARGE FELINES in captivity, intitled “Estudio de las relaciones entre las condiciones de cautiverio y la aparicion de estereotipias en tigres (Panthera tigris) y leopardos (Panthera pardus)” and carried out by the University of Madrid, Spain, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, in 2009-2010.
  • Theoretical-practical course of formation for vets dealing with wild and zoo animals, relating to LARGE FELINE MEDICINE, organized by the Sivas Zoo Organization and held at the Zoo Safari of Fasano in 2005.
  • Research project carried out in 2004 regarding the monitoring of the reproductive functionality of TIGER (Panthera tigris) by means of faecal hormone analysis, organized by the University of Padua, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Experimental Veterinary Science.
  • Research project (2007) into the use of the contraceptive Deslorelin for birth control in female TIGERS (Panthera tigris), carried out by the University of Padua, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, and by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production.
  • Research project in 2020 about TIGER (Panthera tigris) entitled “Leishmania infantum in Tigers and Sand Flies from a Leishmaniasis-endemic area, Southern Italy”, carried out by University of Bari/Italy, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, by University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences of Brno/Czech Republic, by Czech Academy of Sciences of Ceske Budejovice/Czech Republic, by Masaryk University of Brno/Czech Republic, by Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) of Recife/Brasil, by Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan/Iran”.
  • Research project into MGA hormonal implants inserted into LIONESSES (Panthera leo) for birth control purposes, carried out in 2005 by the AZA (American Zoo Association), the Contraceptive Advisory Group, the University of California, USA, Department of Veterinary Medicine, with the collaboration of the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Health and Welfare, and by the University of Messina, Department of Veterinary Medicine Sciences. The survey was presented as a case report entitled “Short term contraception in zoo felids (Panthera leo) using Melengestrol Acetate Implants – a Clinical approach at the 39th annual meeting of the SSR (Society for the Study of Reproduction) held in Omaha, Nebraska, USA in July-August 2006.
  • Research project on LION (Panthera leo) entitled “Biochemical characterisation of MU-Opioid Receptor in Panthera leo Epididymal Sperm Cells” carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and presented as a case report at the 39th Annual Meeting of the SSR (Society for the Study of Reproduction), held in Omaha, Nebraska, USA in July/August 2006.
  • Research project into serologic and molecular definement of pathogens endoparisites diffused by ticks in LION (Panthera leo), carried out by the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Sicily, and by the University of Messina, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medical Science. The survey was presented at the EAZWV (European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians) meeting held in Budapest, Hungary, in May 2006, and published in 2007 in the US “Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine”.
  • Research project into the evaluation of motor function in LION (Panthera leo) in captivity, carried out in 2008 by the University of Teramo, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Semeiological Veterinary Medicine.
  • Case report on LEOPARD (Panthera pardus) entitled “Uterine corpus and cervix fibroleiomyoma in a leopard: case report”, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, presented at the EAZW meeting held in Leipzig, Germany, in April/May 2008.
  • Marine Mammal TAG Space Survey in 2001 regarding the BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN (Tursiops truncatus) published by Rhenen Zoo, Holland.
  • Participation in the completion of data for a survey regarding the status of vitamins in the BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN (Tursiops truncatus) in 2012, carried out in aquariums and zoos all over Europe and published by the Universitat Zurich/Switzerland and Duisburg Zoo in Nurnberg, Germany.
  • Long term participation in programmes of PET THERAPY and DOLPHIN THERAPY for the disabled, in collaboration with associations such as the Arion in Rome, the Italian Society of Ethological Pedagogy, Institutes of Medical Research, etc… The activity terminated some years ago due to restrictive regulations.
  • Participation in the completion of data for a Survey regarding the ophthalmic pathologies of PINNIPEDS in captivity, organized by the University of Parma, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and by the Institute of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, in 2000.
  • Long term research (1999-2004) into the hormonal profiles and the ovarian cycles of female ELEPHANTS, particularly regarding the female African Elephant residing at the Zoo Safari of Fasano, carried out by the DPZ (Deutsches Primatienzentrum, Abteilung Reproduktionsbiologie) of Gottingen, Germany.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding Clostridium pathologies in AFRICAN ELEPHANT (Loxodonta africana) and ASIAN ELEPHANT (Elephas maximus), carried out by Budapest Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Hungary, in 2011.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding ENCLOSURES FOR ELEPHANTS, carried out by the European Elephant Group of Grunwald, Germany in 2003.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding CAPTIVE ELEPHANTS, for the survey carried out in 2011 by the Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics, University of Queensland/Gatton/Australia.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding the ELEPHANTS TAG “Husbandry Guidelines Survey” in 2014.
  • Research project regarding the evaluation of the efficiency of ivermectin for the control of intestinal strongilidi in GRANT’S ZEBRA (Equus burchelli), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Health and Welfare, Parasitology and Parasital Diseases Section.
  • Research project (2004-2007) regarding catarrhal fever in AMERICAN BISON (Bison bison), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Public Health and Welfare of Animals, published in 2008 in the U.S. magazine “PubMed” of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, and in the U.S. magazine “Journal of a Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation” under the title “Malignant catarrhal fever in a captive American Bison in Italy”.
  • Research project in June 2019 entitled “Evaluation of a Butorphanol, Detomidine and Midazolam combination for immobilisation of captive Scimitar-horned Oryx”, organized in the herd of SCIMITAR-HORNED ORYX (Oryx dammah) owned by Zoosafari Fasano/Italy, with the D.E.T.O. Dept., Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the University of Bari/Italy, presented at the “Proceedings of the Zoo and Wildlife Health Conference 2019” in Kolmarden/Sweden.
  • Research in 2015-2016 regarding “Artificial Fecundation in female DROMEDARIES (Camelus dromedarius) of the Zoosafari Fasano”, carried out by the University of Bari, D.E.T.O. Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding GORILLAS (Gorilla gorilla) for the “Gorilla Haven Gazette” of Columbus Zoo, Ohio, U.s.a. (2001).
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding the feeding of GORILLAS (Gorilla gorilla) in captivity, presented by Leipzig Zoo, Germany at the 4th European Zoo Nutrition Conference in 2005.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding an international project carried out in 2005 on the nutritional evaluation of the diets of GORILLAS (Gorilla gorilla) in EEP zoos. This project was carried out by the Royal Veterinary College of the University of London, UK, and the Institute of Zoology of the Zoological Society of London, UK, with the participation of the Department of Animal Nutrition of St. Louis Zoo, Missouri, US, and the AZA (Ape Taxon Advisory Group).
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding night shelters for GORILLAS (Gorilla gorilla), carried out in 2004 by the University of Tuebingen, Germany, Department of Physiology and Animal Ecology.
  • Participation in the completion of data in 2012 on the Questionnaire entitled “EEP Evaluation Procedure for the EEP of GORILLA (Gorilla gorilla)” by EAZA.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding captive GORILLA (Gorilla gorilla) rearing, entitled “Gorilla rearing status/EEP approved” and carried out by the Australian National University.
  • Research project in 2002 involving the gathering of samples of GORILLA (Gorilla gorilla) and CHIMPANZEE (Pan troglodytes) Dna within the Zoo Safari of Fasano, presented in the same year at the GEFI (Italian Forensic Geneticists) Conference in Verona by the Simef (Medical and Forensic Investigation Studio) of Reggio Calabria. The aim of the project was to establish the validity of Forensic kits for the analysis of human and non human dna in the legal sector.
  • Participation in 2019 in the “EEP Gorilla Husbandry Questionnaire” about the GORILLA (Gorilla gorilla).
  • Participation in 2019 in the study of genetic samples from GORILLA (Gorilla gorilla) of the Zoosafari Fasano/Italy for the E.E.P. of the species, promoted by E.A.Z.A. (samples sent to the database of the Zoo of Copenaghen/Denmark.
  • Contribution in 2018 for the collection of genetic samples from CHIMPANZEES (Pan troglodytes), carried out by the EAZA / EEP of the species and sent to Zoo of Copenaghen / DK.
  • Research project (2006-2009) for a survey in genetics entitled “Evaluation of integrins and sarcoglycans in masseter muscle of chimpanzees: an immunohistochemical and molecular study”, with samples taken from the masseter muscles of CHIMPANZEES (Pan troglodytes) and HAMADRIAS BABOONS (Papio hamadryas). The survey was carried out by the University of Chieti-Pescara, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Orthodontics and Medical Genetics, and by the University of Messina, Department of Biomorphology and Biotechnology, by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Experimental Medicine, by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Biology, and by the Centre for Research into Aging “G. D’annunzio Foundation”, Chieti-Pescara.
  • Research in 2019 entitled “Space and Time: dimensions of captive apes well-being. Variability, choice and sense of control: the recipe of well-being”, devoted to APES IN CAPTIVITY and organized by University Rome 3 and University of Florence/Italy, presented at the 16th Conference “Gesellschaft fur Primatologie” of Gottingen/Germany.
  • Research in 2016 carried out by the University of Chieti / Pescara and entitled “Acta 1 Expression Analysis of Satellite Cells in HAMADRIAS BABOON (Papio hamadryas) and craniofacial complex correlation”, published in the “BMC Veterinary Research” magazine.
  • Research project into the zoonosis potentially transmittable by the HAMADRIAS BABOON (Papio hamadryas), carried out by the University of Bologna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Public Veterinary Health and Animal Pathology in 2008. In the same year it was presented at the National SO.I.PA of Pisa and was published in the scientific magazine “Parassitologia”.
  • Research project into parasitosis in HAMADRIAS BABOON (Papio hamadryas), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Health and Animal Welfare, in 2005.
  • Research project (2007-2008) entitled “Survey on the largest community of HAMADRIAS BABOONS (Papio hamadryas) existing in captivity (Zoo Safari of Fasano) with particular reference to the phenomenon of “infanticide”, carried out by the University of Pisa, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecological Sciences and Biodiversity.
  • Study in 2015 regarding “Collection and Refrigeration of Epididymal Semen of HAMADRIAS BABOON (Papio hamadryas), thesis carried out for the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiopathology of Reproduction in Domestic Animals.
  • Participation in 2018-2019 in the research entitled “Space and Time: Dimensions of CAPTIVE APES well-being. Variability, choice and sense of control: the recipe of well-being”, carried out by the University of Roma 3 and the University of Florence, presented at the 16th Conference of the “Gesellschaft fur Primatologie” of Gottingen / Germany.
  • Participation in the research project (2004) into CONFISCATED PRIMATES living in faunal parks, organized by the University of Turin, Faculty of Science, Department of Animal and Human Biology.
  • Research in 2010 entitled “Gastrointestinal Parasites in MAMMALS of two Italian Zoological Gardens”, published in the “Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine”.
  • Research project in 2007 into the sexing of PENGUIN (Spheniscus humboldti) by Dna analysis of feathers, by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal production, published in 2008 in the american scientific magazine “Animal reproductive science” under the title “Dna sexing in Humboldt penguins from feather samples”.
  • Research project into assisted reproduction and conservation programs “ex situ” of PROTECTED WILD AVIFAUNA, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production in 2007.
  • Research project into the determination of sex of a EMU (Dromaius novaehollandiae), by means of PCR, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production (2008).
  • Research project into the determination of sex from testacean membrane, of JAPANESE QUAIL (Coturnix japonica), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production (2008).
  • Research project into the use of marbofloxacina for therapeutic purposes on RED EARED SLIDER (Trachemys scripta elegans), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Health and Welfare. The study was presented as a case report in May 2007 at the IZW (Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research) meeting in Edinburgh, UK.
  • Case report on the RED EARED SLIDER (Trachemys scripta elegans), carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, entitled “Haematology Reference Range Values for Captive Red Eared Sliders” and presented at the EAZW meeting held at Leipzig, Germany, (April/May 2008).
  • Research in 2018 regarding the Ectoparasitosis in CAPTIVE REPTILES of the Tropical Room in the Zoosafari Fasano, carried out by the University of Bari, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Parasitology Department.
  • Research in 2019 entitled “Borrelia species of Bacteria in ectoparasites and reptiles of Southern Italy”, promoted by University of Sao Paulo/Brasil, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, by Butantan Institute of Sao Paulo/Brasil, by University Estadual Paulista of Jaboticabal/Brasil, Dept. of Vet Pathology, by Aggeu Magalhaes Institute and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation of Recife Pernambuco/Brasil, by University of Bari/Italy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, published on the international scientific magazine BMC (BioMedCentral).
  • GENERAL EEP TAG SURVEY (1999) organized by the EAZA, Holland.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding the FEEDING OF ANIMALS by visitors in faunal parks, carried out in 2005 by the Tama Zoological Park, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY in zoological parks all over the world, carried out by Zoocollege, Holland (2006).
  • Participation in the completion of data regarding a survey into EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY in zoos, entitled “Zoo Education: a comparative international study of zoo intentions and the visitor experience”, carried out by Murdoch University, School of Education, Murdoch, W. Australia (2001).
  • Participation in the completion of data about “ACCESS AND EXCHANGE OF GENETIC RESOURCES IN EX SITU COLLECTIONS”, promoted by the Italian Environment Ministry (General Direction Nature and Sea Protection) with ISPRA Institute in 2016.
  • Participation into the completion of data regarding research into the ANALYSIS OF PLANT COMMUNITIES in Italian zoos and the study of plant/animal relations, carried out in 2012 by the University of Genoa, Faculty of Science Department for the Study of the Territory and its resources.
  • Contribution in 2016 at the compilation of the questionnaire entitled “Evaluation Study to support the Evaluation of the ZOOS DIRECTIVE 1999/22/CE”, promoted by the European Commission / Environment General Direction

and numerous other collaborations of various types with local and national universities, from simple college theses and apprenticeships, to our courses of formation for the use of tele-anaesthesia equipment (rifles, blowpipes, anaesthetic drugs, etc.) for local authority agencies in Puglia and Campania.