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ZOO-LOGICA” has been at the centre of numerous media services since 1985, including live and studio interventions on national television networks (RAI and Mediaset). Here are some of the most relevant examples:

  • RAI 3, Regional Tg Emilia Romagna on April 1989 about our herpetological exhibitions;
  • RAI 1, live in studio in the show “Verde Mattina” on January 1994, presenting some of our animals;
  • RAI 1, live in studio in the show “Verde Mattina” on January 1996, presenting some of our animals;
  • RAI 1, live in studio in the show “Verde Mattina” on April 1997, presenting some of our animals;
  • SATELLITE, August 2005, “Animal rescue”, documentary of 30 minutes in English, aired on several worldwide networks, presented by the internationally famous journalist and documentary maker Alex Paen;
  • SKY, August 2006, in-depth interview with the zoological director, 30 minutes presented by Paolo Cochi. On air in August 2006 with several repeats on the Supersix circuit (45 satellite and digital terrestrial tv channels), on Play Tv, Italiani nel Mondo Channel/Sky International and Roma Uno;
  • OGGI, August 16th 2006 , weekly national magazine, with article and photo shoot regarding cubs born in captivity, written by Gabriella Montali;
  • GAZZETTA DEL MEZZOGIORNO, October 13th 2006, interregional daily paper, article regarding latest plans for 2007, written by Elio Matarrese for the column “Il posto giusto”;
  • RAI UNO, October 22nd 2006, “Linea Verde Orizzonti” , feature regarding the frequent birth of giraffes at the ZooSafari of Fasano. Aired at 10 a.m. and presented by Laura Fadda;
  • RAI DUE, October 27th 2006, “TG2 Costume e Società” , feature regarding the ZooSafari’s function as important italian tourist/recreation attraction, on air at 01.45 p.m.;
  • ALL MUSIC, February 2007, “The Club on the Road”, feature for the youth based Sky satellite channel, presented by Chiara Tortorella;
  • PUGLIA CHANNEL, February 2007, Sky satellite channel for Apulians living abroad, visible in all of Europe, America and South America. Interview of the zoological director live in studio, aired with 3 repeats;
  • RAI UNO, March 03rd 2007, “Easy driver”, feature describing a new Suv vehicle, filmed in the ZooSafari;
  • TELENORBA, March 2007, interregional network, feature regarding the rescue of reptiles confiscated from third parties and living in our Centre. Aired on TG Norba 7 and Tg Norba 8;
  • RAI DUE, April 05th 2007, “Sì viaggiare”, feature aired with two repeats;
  • RAI TRE (NATIONAL EDITION), April 25th 2007, “Tg Ragazzi”, the news feature aimed at children, regarding the birth of a baby Polar Bear, presented by Luciana Parisi;
  • RAI TRE (NATIONAL EDITION), May 2007, “Tg Ragazzi”, feature regarding a chimpanzee born at the Zoo Safari, presented by Luciana Parisi;
  • RAI TRE (REGIONAL PUGLIA), May 09th 2007, “Tg3 Regione”, feature regarding a newborn chimpanzee;
  • RAI UNO, June 05th 2007, “Uno Mattina”, feature dedicated to our Centre, presented by Anna Battipaglia;
  • CANALE 5, May 26th 2007, “TG 5”, feature regarding the countermeasures used to protect our animals from the scorching temperatures, presented by Maria Luisa Sgobba and aired with two repeats;
  • TELENORBA, May 27th 2007, interregional network, two live interviews with the zoological director, regarding the scorching temperatures and their effects on the exotic animals in the ZooSafari. Aired on “Tg Norba 7” and “Tg Norba 8” with three repeats, presented by Guglielmina Logroscino;
  • TELENORBA, August 21st 2007, interregional network “Tg Norba 7” and “Tg Norba 8”, several features, interviews and images regarding the birth of a baby hippo;
  • RAI UNO, September 17th 2007, “Festa Italiana”, feature regarding the very rare pathology of a boy called “little Samuel”, presented by Lucio Giordano during his visit at the Zoosafari;
  • RAI UNO, “Linea Verde”, ample feature for “Amici Animali” entitled “Un parco da record”. Aired on February 17th at 10.15 a.m. and repeated in August 2008;
  • SKY, channel 807, April 7th / 8th 2008, “Coming Soon”, Tv Show dedicated to the cinema and to films with environmental / zoological themes, with two episodes filmed at Fasano;
  • LA REPUBBLICA, June 5th 2008, national daily paper, whole colour page article regarding the “boom” of exotic animal births at Fasano;
  • CONFIDENZE, July 2008, national weekly magazine, article dedicated to our structure, published in edition number 27/2008;
  • LA REPUBBLICA, July 3rd 2008, national daily paper, article dedicated to the theft and retrieval of a baby lemur;
  • RADIO 101, July 2008, national radio station, live interview for the feature “Sportello Centounico” regarding the regulations for creating new faunal parks in Italy, presented by Dini and Lester;
  • RAI UNO, August 23rd 2008, “Linea Blu”, a feature regarding our Centre, presented by Donatella Bianchi;
  • DOCUMENTARY FILM, September 2008, entitled “Cosa farò da grande”, dedicated to children, fiction writers and animals, partly filmed at our structure (World Business Entertainment);
  • SCIENZAONLINE.COM, national on line magazine, in-depth article/interview dedicated to the ZooSafari;
  • CANALE 5, December 22nd 2008, “TG 5” feature regarding the third birth of a baby Polar Bear at Fasano;
  • ITALIA 1, December 22nd 2008, “Studio Aperto” feature regarding the birth of a baby Polar Bear at Fasano;
  • LA REPUBBLICA, December 22nd 2008, national daily paper with corresponding website. Article written by Titti Tummino, regarding Polar Bears;
  • RAI DUE, June 2nd 2009, “TG2” feature dedicated to the Polar Bear cub and its adaptation to local temperatures, presented by Laura Berti;
  • ANTENNA SUD, July 2009, “TG” with two interesting features regarding the birth of 27 Boa constrictor and the reunion of the Polar Bear family (presently all visible to the public, including the youngest member “Dea”) presented by Beppe Stallone;
  • RAI UNO, February 14th 2010, “Linea Verde Orizzonti”, feature dedicated to our zoo and its research and educational aspects, presented by Laura Fadda;
  • RAI DUE, March 28th 2010, “TG2” feature dedicated to “Dea”, the third Polar Bear cub still present at Fasano, and her sister “Snowy/Gianna” (recently sent to Berlin Zoo for a “meeting” with “Knut”, the famous German Polar Bear), presented by Olimpia Mignosi;
  • RETEQUATTRO, May 8th 2010, “Cuochi senza frontiere”, feature presented by Michela Coppa;
  • RADIOINBLU, July 1st , 15th , 29th / August 12th , 26th / September 9th 2010, national network covering around 200 radio stations, on air all over Italy. Live radio link with the feature “Serata in Blu…Estate”, presented by Ida Guglielmotti and Marco Pace, on air at 05,.05 p.m. on days indicated above;
  • ITALIA 1, April 2nd 2011, “Studio Aperto” feature regarding the birth of a baby hippo, presented by Rossella Grandolfo, with various repeats;
  • LA REPUBBLICA, April 2011, article regarding the birth of a baby hippo (published in newspaper and online), written by Titti Tummino;
  • LA TV, June 29th 2011, local tv network “A Pranzo con Emy” feature dedicated to interview of italian actor Antonio Stornaiolo, filmed on location at the Zoo Safari of Fasano, presented and produced by Emy Ewing with various repeats;
  • RAI UNO (Tg1), CANALE 5 (TgCom and Tg5), ITALIA 1 (Studio Aperto), TELENORBA (TgNorba 7 and TgNorba 8) and other media channels, July 9th 2011, features on air on prime time slot regarding the birth of 5 tiger cubs to the same mother at Fasano;
  • LA REPUBBLICA, July 2011, article regarding the birth of 5 tiger cubs, written by Titti Tummino;
  • RAI DUE, August 18th 2011, “TG2 Sì Viaggiare”, feature regarding interviews of zoo visitors in cars, presented by Mauro Lozzi;
  • LA TV, September 5th 2011, “A Pranzo con Emy” interview of tv personality Mingo, filmed on location at the Zoo Safari of Fasano, presented and produced by Emy Ewing, with various repeats;
  • LA7, December 17th 2011, “Il divino gusto”, feature presented by Tinto and Fede;
  • CANALE 5, May 3rd 2012, “Striscia la notizia”, feature regarding “Filu”, the stork who had built her nest on a palm tree within the Safari Park. This tree appeared to have been killed by the notorious parasite known as the Red Palm Weevil. Presented by “Capitan Ventosa” (Luca Cassol);
  • LASTAMPA.IT, June 4th 2012, thorough reportage of the ZooSafari of Fasano, written by Daniele Raspa;
  • RAI 1, August 1st 2014, “Uno Mattina Estate / Sapore di Sole”, feature regarding the Zoosafari of Fasano, presented by Metis Di Meo;
  • TELENORBA March 2017, (TGNorba 7 and TGNorba 8), feature regarding the births of a penguin and a hippo at Fasano;
  • RAI 1, May 21st 2017, “Easy Driver”, feature at the Zoosafari of Fasano and presented by Veronica Gatto;
  • RAI 1, August 06th 2017, “Easy Driver”, feature at the Zoosafari of Fasano and presented by the documentarist Luca Bracali;
  • CANALE 5, August 06th 2017, “Tg 5” aired on 08.00 p.m. about polar bears at Fasano;
  • TELENORBA, September 07th 2018, (TGNorba 24), feature regarding the birth of a hippo;
  • RAI 1, December 22nd 2018, “I Soliti Ignoti”, presented by Amadeus”, with the participation of one of the rangers devoted to the Gorilla of Fasano;
  • RETEQUATTRO, Nov. 23rd 2019 and further repeats in “Sempreverde” with Luca Sardella, full service of 15 minutes all devoted to Zoosafari Fasano/Italy;
  • RAI UNO, February 15th 2020 and further repeats in April 2020 in “Linea Verde Life” with Marcello Masi, feature about research and conservation of rare species in Zoosafari Fasano/Italy;
  • SKY, May 26th and 27th 2020, in “Sky Tg24”;
  • RAI TRE, May 18th 2020, live in “Buongiorno Italia” and in “Tg3 Regional” with further repeats;
  • ITALIA 1, August 01st 2020, in “Tg Studio Aperto”, feature about visitors in the period of Covid-19 pandemic with Rossella Grandolfo, with further repeats in other “Tg”
    and many more features and articles on regional and local tv…