
Our centre actively participates or has participated in the updated completion of all World Studbooks, EEPs, ESBs and International Surveys regarding species at risk. For example:

  • World Studbook and EEP for GORILLAS (Gorilla gorilla) since 1994;
  • EEP for CHIMPANZEES (Pan troglodytes) since 2015;
  • EEP for SIAMANGS (Symphalangus syndactylus) since 2017;
  • EEP for BLACK/WHITE LEMURS (Varecia variegata) since 2017;
  • World Studbook and ESB for ASIAN BLACK BEARS (Ursus thibetanus) since 1996;
  • World Studbook and EEP for POLAR BEARS (Ursus maritimus) since 1995;
  • ESB for STRIPED HYENAS (Hyaena hyaena) since 2003;
  • World Studbook for PATAGONIAN SEALIONS (Otaria byronia / flavescens) since 2009;
  • ESB for CALIFORNIAN SEA LIONS (Zalophus californianus) since 2018;
  • ESB for GREY SEALS (Halichoerus grypus) since 2015;
  • future ESB for COMMON SEALS (Phoca vitulina) since 2017;
  • EEP for BOTTLE-NOSED DOLPHINS (Tursiops truncatus) since 1997;
  • World Studbook and EEP for WHITE RHINOCEROSES (Cerathoterium simum) since 1998;
  • World Studbook and EEP for AFRICAN ELEPHANTS (Loxodonta africana) since 1999;
  • EEP of SOMALI WILD ASS (Equus africanus somalicus) since 2018;
  • World Studbook and EEP for SCIMITAR-HORNED ORYXES (Oryx dammah) since 2008;
  • ESB for SITATUNGAS (Tragelaphus spekei) since 2009;
  • ESB for LESSER KUDUS (Tragelaphus imberbis) since 2011;
  • ESB for SABLE ANTELOPES (Hippotragus niger) since 2013;
  • EEP for ROAN ANTELOPES (Hippotragus equinus) since 2015;
  • ESB for LECHWES (Kobus leche) since 2016;
  • EEP for NILE LECHWES (Kobus megaceros) since 2018;
  • ESB for KIRK’S DIK DIK (Madoqua kirkii) since 2017;
  • EEP for MHORR DAMA GAZELLES (Gazella dama) since 2019;
  • ESB for AFRICAN BUFFALOS (Syncerus caffer) since 2017;
  • ESB for PINK-BACKED PELECANS (Pelecanus rufescens) since 2018.

Our Centre has also been a reference point for many years for the reception and court custody “fostering” of animals confiscated from third parties. All this is carried out in constant collaboration with the CITES Department of the Italian State Forestry Corps, and with the aid of several Institutes and Centres devoted to Wild Animal Rescue (with these organizations we have also participated in the re-introduction of autochthon fauna into their natural habitat and in several missions to rescue beached cetaceans).

Besides our centre is in continual contact with other parks, organizations and zoos, both at home and abroad, for the exchange of information, rearing techniques and conservation programmes “in situ” and “ex situ” for the rarer species.